AlgaeTorch Accessories
AlgaeTorch Performance Test Attachment
- Water quality analysis
- Bloom detection
- Blue-green algae assessment
- Toxicity alerts
- Reservoir management
- Bathing water surveillance
- Dam monitoring
- Environmental monitoring
- Limnological work
- Research and education
The AlgaeTorch is lightweight, field-portable, and designed to measure total chlorophyll and blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). The pigments of the algae are spectrally excited subsequently by three colored LEDs at a high frequency. In response, the algae emit red fluorescence light and the intensity of this light is used for the calculation of the different algae types (i.e. blue-greens and total micro-algae). Results are displayed and stored in the internal memory and can easily be transferred to a PC via the USB port for further analysis.

In-situ measurement of cyanobacteria has never been easier…. Power up, submerge and measure!
Innovative operating concept. Fast measurement
Robust and completely sealed, the AlgaeTorch is operated through transparent housing using capacity keys. The key actions are confirmed by a vibration signal, ensuring safe operation in the wettest of environments – deployable down to a depth of 10m (optionally 100m with the AlgaeTorch 100).
The AlgaeTorch 100 can perform submersed chlorophyll analysis in real-time down to a maximum 30m depth, traceable thanks to a built-in pressure sensor. All results are visualized on the screen with the connected PC using bbe++ software.
Product Features
- Total chlorophyll
- Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)
- High sensitivity
- No sample preparation
- Easy handling
- Cable-free operation
- Display on the instrument
- Datalogger function
- Internal rechargeable batteries
- Built-in GPS

Measurements in less than 20 seconds!
Measurement of algal concentrations via fluorescence
The bbe AlgaeTorch uses in vivo fluorescence of algae cells: the algae pigments are selectively excited by colored LEDs and emit red fluorescence light as a natural phenomenon at high sensitivity. The results are shown immediately on the display and stored in the internal memory. An encapsulated USB port enables subsequent data transfer to a PC. The PC software is supplied free of charge.
Automatic turbidity measurement
Automatic turbidity correction during chlorophyll measurement makes subsequent correction unnecessary, improves the accuracy, and enables the evaluation of the results in the field, at site.

In-situ measurement of benthic algae has never been easier…. Power up, place head on sample and measure …

… and get your results in less than 15 seconds!
The BenthoTorch is lightweight, field-portable, and designed to measure benthic algae in real-time and in situ by utilizing fluorometric characteristics of the different algal pigments in the intact cell. No sample preparation is required. Results are displayed and stored in the internal memory and can easily be transferred to a PC via the USB port for further analysis.
Innovative concept. Fast & easy measurement.
The Benthotorch has made benthic algae measurements an entirely new experience. Different light sources excite the internal pigments of intact algal cells. The amount of re-emitted red light fluorescence gives a quantitative estimate of the algal density without the need for sample prep, enabling quick and easy analysis of benthic algae in real-time. The BenthoTorch is precalibrated for the most prominent algal classes to be found in the field.
This fluorometric technique has been well-proven for pelagic phytoplankton by extensive application of the bbe FluoroProbe, and has now successfully adapted to measure benthic algae concentrations.The BenthoTorch includes an additional LED (700nm) that is used to compensate the chlorophyll measurements due to reflectance caused by the background substrate material (e.g. silt, rock, etc.).
It is operated through transparent housing using capacity keys located below the display. The key actions are confirmed by a vibration signal, ensuring the safe operation of the instrument even in a wet environment. The instrument can be deployed down to a depth of 10 m without the need for power due to the internal rechargeable batteries.
Product Features
- Determination of up to 5 different algae classes
- Quantification of different algae classes within seconds in situ
- Gelbstoff measurement with UV-LED
- Reduction of laborious microscopic observations
- Internal datalogger
- Pressure sensor
- PC software for data analysis
- Optional water temperature sensor
- Optional transmission sensor
- Optional GSM modem
- Drinking water monitoring for blue-green algae (cyanobactria)
- Supervision of aquaculture systems
- Control of bathing water for toxic blooms
- Early warning system
- Ocean/lake research
- Limnological research
- Education

FluoroProbe III

A unique in-situ spectrofluorometer that provides accurate measurements of up to 5 different algae classes and total chlorophyll in one portable unit.
The FluoroProbe III quickly and reliably determines chlorophyll concentration down to depths of 100 meters making it ideal for depth profiling. Measurements can be displayed online via a serial interface or stored in the probe for subsequent analysis. In addition to determining the chlorophyll content, the probe also detects the presence of algae and allocates them to various spectral algae classes (i.e. blue-green algae / cyanobacteria, green algae, diatoms / dinoflagellates / chrysophytae, cryptophytae). This enables the instrument to analyze the occurrence and distribution of algae on-site without the necessity of the laboratory.
- Drinking water monitoring for blue-green algae (cyanobactria)
- Supervision of aquaculture systems
- Control of bathing water for toxic blooms
- Early warning system
- Ocean/lake research
- Limnological research
- Education
Product Features
- Determination of up to 5 different algae classes
- Quantification of different algae classes within seconds in situ
- Gelbstoff measurement with UV-LED
- Reduction of laborious microscopic observations
- Internal datalogger
- Pressure sensor
- PC software for data analysis
- Optional water temperature sensor
- Optional transmission sensor
- Optional GSM modem
NEW! Extend the FluoroProbe’s measurement capabilities

Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
Add dissolved oxygen to your analysis. The measured data of this external sensor will be integrated into the bbe++ software.
Technical Specifications
Dissolved Oxygen
Range: 0 – 45 mg/l
Resolution: 0.02 mg/l
Accuracy: +/- 0.4 mg/l
Range: 0 – 200% O2
Resolution: 0.03% O2
Accuracy: +/- 0.1% O2

Multiparameter Sensor
Measure dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and pH all in one dive! The measured data of this external sensor will be integrated into the bbe++ software.
Technical Specifications
Range: 0 – 14
Resolution: 0.01
Accuracy: +/- 0.1
Dissolved Oxygen
Range: 0 – 45 mg/l
Resolution: 0.02 mg/l
Accuracy: +/- 0.4 mg/l
Range: 0 – 200% O2
Resolution: 0.03% O2
Accuracy: +/- 0.1% O2
Range: 0 – 5000 μS/cm
Resolution: 0.01 μS/cm
Accuracy: +/- 0.1%
How to mount the optical oxygen sensor on the FluoroProbe Add-on
How to connect the USB-Adapter (BG30173) of the bbe FluoroProbe

Quick analysis of chlorophyll and phycocyanin

NEW! Depth-profile with quick analysis of chlorophyll and unbound phycocyanin concentrations as well as algae classes
The bbe PhycoProbe* is a highly sensitive measuring instrument for the in vivo analysis of chlorophyll-a in real microalgae and blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). Individual profiles for the different algal classes are created during the measurement. The algal content is determined by evaluating the chlorophyll fluorescence in real-time. Without the necessity of using a laboratory, it is possible to completely analyse the occurrence and distribution of algae in different water bodies, if necessary at different depths.
Additionally, the PhycoProbe measures the amount of unbound phycocyanin (free PC) which reflects the release of blue-green algae contents like toxins as well as flavors and odorous substances. Interference from e.g. humic substances is compensated using the integrated yellow substances measurement.
Hydro-Wiper unit to prevent biofouling
The PhycoProbe can now be operated on moored platforms, submersed from buoys or fixed measuring stations using the Hydro-Wiper (made by Zebra-Tech Ltd, NZ). The wiper brushes can be set to periodically clean the lenses of the measuring chamber to remove biofilms and dirt which builds up over long periods of operation.
* patented
- Reservoir monitoring
- Process tracking in waterworks
- Drinking water monitoring for blue-green algae
- Monitoring of bathing water for blue-green algae
- Environmental monitoring
- Cooling and production water control
- Limnological work
- Research and teaching
- Oceanography
Product Features
- Quick, simple chlorophyll measurement with algal class differentiation
- Indicator for cyanotoxins as well as flavours and odorous substances by phycocyanin measurements
- Yellow substances measurement and compensation of disturbances via UV-LED excitation
- Up to 4 measurements per second
- PC software bbe++ for data analysis
- Reduces the number of microscopic laboratory analyses
- Internal rechargeable batteries for independent measurement
- Internal data logger
- Options: Temperature measurements, Measuring cables: 2 – 100 m, Hydro-Wiper unit, Bluetooth-Set
Databased bbe++ Software
The bbe PhycoProbe software supplied with the instrument facilitates detailed data analysis. All measurement data can be displayed numerically or graphically. Sections of data measurements can be recorded and printed using the zoom function. Data can also be exported to a spreadsheet program (e.g Excel). All settings and calibrations are performed by the software.
Links of Interest

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