Celebrating 40 years.
Quality Instrumentation for the Life Sciences


bbe algae online analyzer

Chlorophyll, algae class and photosynthetic activity-continuous determination in real time


  • Regulatory control
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Limnological work
  • Research and education
  • Supervision of aquaculture

The fluorescence of algae via excitation by visible light mainly depends on chlorophyll-a, a common pigment in the plant world. The presence of other pigments indicates different algae classes. The interaction of these different pigments with chlorophyll-a results in a special excitation spectrum for taxonomic algae classes.

The special patterns of this algal fluorescence – “fingerprints” – are used in bbe fluorometers for the qualification of different algae classes. The light sources for the excitation are LEDs with selected wavelengths. The fingerprints of four algae classes and yellow substances are pre-defined in the instrument. However, user-specific fingerprints can also be defined.

The physiological performance of the algae (algae activity) on photosynthesis is determined by excitation using additional background light. The resulting variable fluorescence allows the calculation of algae activity given as the Genty parameter. This Genty parameter represents the quantum yield and is also an expression of the vitality of the algae.

A regulated inflow of sample water enhances the versatility of the AlgaeOnlineAnalyzer
A valve switches alternatively between two tubes of the AlgaeOnlineAnalyser and cycle time is controlled by the AOA software—measuring algae chlorophyll online at high frequency and enabling the user to take water samples from different depths or locations.

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AOA Standard Accessories

Product Features

  • Online chlorophyll analysis for measuring stations as well as for laboratory use
  • Simultaneous determination of chlorophyll concentration, photosynthetic activity of chlorophyll and transmission
  • Determination of different algae classes by excitation using coloured LEDs; calculation of the content of green algae, blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), brown algae (diatoms and dinoflagellates) and cryptophytes
  • Direct measurement without sample preparation by filtration or dilution.
  • Information on the photosynthetic activity of chlorophyll due to different patterns of excitation, correlated to oxygen evolution; the commonly used fluorescence signals f0, f, fm are used for calculation according to the Genty parameter method
  • Yellow substances measurement (CDOM) to correct the calculation of the content of chlorophyll
  • Integrated cleaning unit in the sensor –  prevents growth of biofilms during prolonged measurements
  • Batch mode:
    instrument can be switched from flow-through measurement to single measurement mode for laboratory operation

Inside the AOA Housing


AOA Interface Introduction

AOA Peristaltic Pump


How to clean the bbe AOA sensor

How to Mount the AOA Sensor


How to Mount the AOA Arm


bbe algae guard

Continuous, cost-effective chlorophyll analysis with cleaning device. Detection of green algae, cyanobacteria, diatoms and cryptophyceae

The AlgaeGuard is designed as a “plug and play” instrument, i.e. measurements are carried out automatically using pre-defined parameter settings immediately after boot-up or by pressing the start button on the touchscreen panel.  Continuous configuration by the operator is not necessary. Maintenance is as low as 1 hour per month.  Parameters can be changed using the external bbe PC software if necessary.

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  • Power plants
  • Drinking water monitoring stations
  • Lake and river analysis
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Research and education

Product Features

  • Quick, simple chlorophyll determination with algae class analysis
  • Direct measurement without sample preparation
  • Simple operation and virtually maintenance-free
  • Different communication ports, also in an industrial setting:
    • up to 8 alarm outputs (potential-free contacts)
    • up to 16 analog outputs (4-20mA)
    • serial interface for data transfer
    • USB port for simple firmware updates
  • Integrated cleaning unit in measuring chamber prevents biofouling
  • Touchscreen display
  • PC operation with bbe AOA software

NEW! PhycoSens

PhycoSens in action. Click to view larger.
Rugged Transport Case

Online determination of algae classes, chlorophyll and phycocyanin concentrations as well as photosynthetic activity

The bbe PhycoSens* is deployed in measuring stations and laboratories in which online measurement of water quality is required for rivers, reservoirs, dams, and lakes as well as in drinking water production.

The instrument offers unprecedented rapid analysis of chlorophyll and unbound phycocyanin (free PC) concentrations. The free color pigments of cyanobacteria are an important indicator for cyanotoxins and flavors and odorous substances in raw water. The online device can also measure the photosynthetic activity of microalgae and their transmission. The detection of different algal classes by excitation with colored LEDs distinguishes this measuring instrument from its competitors. Part of the analysis is a yellow substances (CDOM) measurement to adjust the calculation of the total chlorophyll and phycocyanin contents. The integrated cleaning unit protects against growth problems during long-term measurement.

* patented

Product Features

  • Indicator for cyanotoxins as well as flavours and odorous substances by phycocyanin measurements
  • Turbidity compensation up to 200 FTU
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Easy to use
  • Monitoring of algae around the clock
  • Direct measurement without preparation
  • Integrated stirrer
  • PC operation with bbe software
  • RS232, LAN, USB


  • Online water quality assessment
  • Reservoir monitoring
  • Process tracking in waterworks
  • Environmental and hygiene monitoring
  • Chemical assessment
  • Cooling and production water control
  • Limnological work
  • Research and teaching
  • Oceanography
  • Aqua culture monitoring
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Databased bbe++ Software

The bbe software supplied with the instrument facilitates detailed data analysis. All measurement data can be displayed numerically or graphically. Sections of data measurements can be recorded and printed using the zoom function. Data can also be exported to a spreadsheet program (e.g Excel). All settings and calibrations are performed by the software.