CIRAS-4Portable Photosynthesis SystemThe 4th generation system that continues toelevate the research experience.Unrivaled Performance,Portability & Power.Learn more >Shopping for a portable photosynthesis system? No travel needed!Schedule a virtual demonstration of the CIRAS-4 Portable Photosynthesis System from the comfort of your lab!SCHEDULE A VIRTUAL DEMONSTRATION Portable Photosynthesis Systems Soil & Net Canopy CO2 Flux Gas Analysis Chlorophyll Fluorescence Chlorophyll Content Oxygen Measurement Meteorology Water Quality NEWS October 23, 2024 The easy-to-learn portable photosynthesis system for teaching & basic research. Used by researchers & professors worldwide! Get the latest info! Get the latest tips, research, promotions, and more. You can opt out at any time. Subscribe PP Systems Follow 3,068 650 Leader in high-level research instruments for #ClimateChange #Photosynthesis #SoilScience #ChlorophyllFluorescence & #GasAnalysis. ; PP Systems @pp_systems · 6h 1901664832689958916 Feeling lucky?🍀Apply Today! Not for you? Please repost! Let's get students to conferences! #plantscience #soilscience #earthscience @ASA_CSSA_SSSA @ASHS_Hort @ESA_org @theAGU @ASPB_WiPB @ASPB @Botanical_ @ESAEcology @plantpostdocs PP Systems @pp_systems PLEASE REPOST! Know someone doing #innovative research who could use $1000 for a conference this year? We can help! APPLY TODAY! #plantscience #soilscience #earthscience @ASHS_Hort @ASA_CSSA_SSSA @ESA_org @theAGU @SEBiology Reply on Twitter 1901664832689958916 Retweet on Twitter 1901664832689958916 0 Like on Twitter 1901664832689958916 1 Twitter 1901664832689958916 ; PP Systems @pp_systems · 8h 1901641276891582943 PLS REPOST! Don't miss this study evaluating the effect of #far-red on #LightCompensationPoint & a new data-driven leaf pruning method using LCP in management practices for the #horticulture industry. REGISTER TODAY! #ASHS2025 #plantscience @ASHS_Hort Twitter feed image. Reply on Twitter 1901641276891582943 Retweet on Twitter 1901641276891582943 0 Like on Twitter 1901641276891582943 1 Twitter 1901641276891582943 Load More