Quality Instrumentation for the Life Sciences

Webinar Registration

Learn the purpose of performing non-steady-state A (Assimilation) vs. Ci (Intercellular CO2) curves and how to perform and process them quickly.

About Dr. Bunce

Dr. James Bunce built his first photosynthesis system as a graduate student 48 years ago and has been performing leaf gas exchange measurements, including many A/Ci curves ever since. He recently retired from a 40-year career with the USDA-ARS in Beltsville Maryland as an environmental plant physiologist. His most recent work involves predicting impacts of global change on plant physiology.

Since his retirement, Jim has been working closely with PP Systems assisting in the development of rapid A/Ci analysis with the CIRAS-3. He has recently published two research papers utilizing that technology: Three Methods of Estimating Mesophyll Conductance Agree Regarding its CO2 Sensitivity in the Rubisco-Limited Ci Range and Variation in Responses of Photosynthesis and Apparent Rubisco Kinetics to Temperature in Three Soybean Cultivars.

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